Murder on Tyneside

Read Freely has dedicated a page to Murder on Tyneside.

Friday 22 April 2011

More Writing

Added quite a lot to my story novel yesterday.  However, Connie is beginning to rattle me, because she is doing things I don't want her to do - well not yet anyway.  That was supposed to come later, but she is way ahead of me.  I've really got to show her, who is in charge here!  I wouldn't care, but the others are aiding and abetting her.  Isn't there one person in this novel, who has any respect for my position?  I also re-edited my short story.  It is much tighter now, so hopefully a fiction editor of a magazine will approve.

Quite honestly, what with working on the novel and the short story, my head was buzzing by the time I went to the Border's Writer's Forum last night.  It was an interesting meeting, as one of the local printers had come along to talk about the technicalities of self-publishing.  Obviously, he could only talk about the printing side of it, nevertheless, he and his wife were able to point out the costs to anyone thinking of going down that road.  The whole thing sounds like a minefield, as you would probably have to pay someone to edit your manuscript first, which will add to the bill.  Thankfully, my novel, The Trojan Project, was traditionally published, so I didn't incur any costs at all.  And if my characters in stop riling me, I might even get a foot in the door somewhere for that one, too!

Today is Good Friday.  I intend to have another go at my writing, before checking out The West Wing.  Apart from that I believe it is going to be another fairly quiet day.

I hope your day goes exactly as you want it to.


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