Murder on Tyneside

Read Freely has dedicated a page to Murder on Tyneside.

Tuesday 5 April 2011


Monday went very much as I predicted, except I didn't go to play bowls after all.  I went to meet my writing friends at a local hotel and we had a thoroughly enjoyable morning chatting about all manner of things.  However, when it came to the bowls, I decided against it.  I will try to get my head around it next Monday.

Today, I went to the hairdresser for a cut and blow-dry.  I quite like someone fiddling around with my hair - it's rather soothing.  When my niece was quite young, she thought she might like to be a hairdresser and enjoyed combing my hair.  I recall I found it rather relaxing, until day day she said, "Now, I don't want you to panic, but I can't get the comb out of your hair.  Shall I get the scissors?"  I grabbed at the comb, thinking she was joking, but she wasn't. It seems she had twisted and turned the comb around until it was totally stuck.  I tried to remain calm and told her to very carefully remove each strand of hair from around the comb.  It took ages, but at least I didn't end up bald!!

I had better add that my niece never took up hairdressing when she got older. Perhaps it's just as well.

Spending the rest of the afternoon re-writing a short story.

Have a nice day!!

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