Murder on Tyneside

Read Freely has dedicated a page to Murder on Tyneside.

Sunday 20 March 2011


Okay, it is Sunday today, but you know what? I don't care! There was a time when I hated Sundays - no mail through the letterbox, not many emails in my inbox, most shops closed, etc. etc. But I seem to be getting over that. now. I don't know why, because nothing has changed. Perhaps it's just me getting older. I shouldn't have said that. Older sounds bad, maybe I should say I am more mature. Now I sound like an old frump. Best change this subject while I'm ahead.

I am still waiting to hear whether a publisher likes the first few chapters of my romantic novel, Only Twelve Days.  I wrote it before The Trojan Project, my published book, was even thought of, but I couldn't find a publisher. However, I have tweaked it a little, so I hope that it will do better. I'll let you know more on that at a later date.

Someone has asked to be friends on Facebook. So I am going there now to say Yes. Can't have too many friends, can you?

Might be back later with an update, but as it's Sunday, there probably won't be anything else :-)

Enjoy your day wherever you are.

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