Murder on Tyneside

Read Freely has dedicated a page to Murder on Tyneside.

Monday 28 March 2011

Bowls Day

Yesterday, my day of nothingness, ended up with me doing a little bit of everything.  I sat on the new garden swing, I watched a couple of episodes of that lovey series, The West Wing and I watched Dancing on Ice.  All in all, I had a great day!

This afternoon, I am going to play indoor bowls at our social club.  You must understand that I am not good at playing bowls - indoor or otherwise and as I haven't been for the last few weeks, I am certainly not going to be the star attraction today.  However, I will give it my best shot! 

I did try my hand at darts a while back, but even after several weeks of practice, I found there were times when my dart didn't even hit the dartboard, so I have given that up as a bad job.   No point in messing up the club walls, is there?

I might even get a few words added to my novel, later today.  The characters have gone very quiet on me, I guess they do need me after all.  There was a time when they did their own thing and I was beginning to enjoy the direction in which they were heading.  However, it seems I will have to give them a few ideas and hopefully they will carry on by themselves for a while.

Have a good day, everyone!

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