Murder on Tyneside

Read Freely has dedicated a page to Murder on Tyneside.

Tuesday 29 March 2011


Bowls day went well.  At least it did for most of the players, my bowls seemed to have minds of their own.  I can't recall playing so badly for a long time. 

This morning I decided to clean under the bed.  It isn't easy when the bedroom isn't very large and you have to keep pushing the bed from one side to the other, hoping that the cleaner is going to reach under to where no man has gone before.  How does so much dust find its way under there in the first place?  Ah, well, not to worry, because it is clean now.  I on the other hand am tired and hot and bothered.  This is why I thought I would sit here and announce to the world that the floor under our bed is clean, because how else would anyone know whether it was or not??  People don't make a habit of calling in to look under my bed.  Come to think of it, there must be countless things that get cleaned periodically, whether they need cleaning or not.  It just goes to show how much time and effort goes into doing something that you know will need doing all over again a short while later.

I think I will spend a few minutes lazing on our lovely garden swing, while I ponder on this matter.  Perhaps I will come up with something that will start a whole new revolution.

Later, I will try to add a few words to my novel 

Those of you that don't know, my first novel, The Trojan Project, is a thriller.  However, this one is more light-hearted.

I hope the sun is shining wherever you are!

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