Murder on Tyneside

Read Freely has dedicated a page to Murder on Tyneside.

Thursday, 30 July 2020

Interview with Robert Crawford

Hello again

Great News - I have recently been interviewed by Robert Crawford. 

If you would like to take a look, and I do hope you will, you can find the interview by following the link. Interview with Eileen Thornton  

Perhaps you might even like to leave a comment once you've read it. There is a place at the bottom for comments. Or you could leave a comment here. 

It isn't often I give interviews, but Robert Crawford can be persuasive and I know that his posts are read my lots of people, so I thought, why not. 

All else is much the same here. This virus has put a stop to things we would all like to be doing now that the summer is here. Though we can go out now, it's not quiet the same having to wear a mask. But they are important, so we have bought some to have ready just in case we need to go somewhere. 

I am still working on my fourth Agnes Lockwood mystery. It does seem to be dragging on a bit. It seems I added too many problems for Agnes to solve; even I have lost count. But hopefully it will be finished soon. The working title is A Mystery on Tyneside, but I'm still not sure that's what I'll go with. 

Meanwhile the other three books in the series are selling well and have have been translated into several languages, as have my other books.. Audible versions are also available. I am not into audio books myself, but I understand that a large number of people prefer them. 

Well, I think that's all for the moment, but don't forget to check out my interview 😉

Wishing you a great day,


Chink! Chink!

Sunday, 12 July 2020

Stopping By... UPDATED!

Where has this year gone? It seems to be passing very quickly. It's difficult to believe that we are into July already

I do hope you have all been keeping safe during this difficult time. My husband and I are still in lock-down due to Phil's health issues. I'm told that this will go on until 31st July, but who knows - it could continue for longer. Thankfully I have been able to order groceries online from our local supermarket. 

Due to being stuck indoors, I really don't have any exciting news to pass on. Yet I felt that I should add a new post to my blog otherwise you will all think that I have swanned off abroad... as if. 😂 

Anyway, as I an here, I will pass on the news that audio versions of my books are now available. Though, I think you are already aware of that. However, my publisher has informed me that most of them are now available in Large print, Extra Large print and even pocket size - I have no idea what that looks like. I guess I will have to get myself a copy to check it out. 

For those of you who have stuck with this post until now, I am adding  Free Codes to download an audio copy for a couple of my books. The codes will only work one. Therefore, if you are told that the code has already been used, then it means someone has beaten you to it. That's the way it goes, I'm afraid. 

If you are in the USA, then copy this link for both books
The Trojan Project Code: 6ZYUFHRATKGEU
Only Twelve Days  Code: D6AGL8MHZ7GFZ

UK link for both books:
The Trojan Project Code: 54PC6UQUSZPPC
Only Twelve Days Code: 7E6SESACW5ERT

I hope you enjoy the books, if so, I would appreciate a review.

UPDATE:  Just a thought, if you missed out getting an audio book and would really like a code, leave a comment and I'll get back to you. 
This is not a scam. The codes above are genuine. But they only work once. 

Chink! Chink!.