Murder on Tyneside

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Thursday 28 July 2022

A Trip to the Coast!

I know it has been a while since I last added something to my blog, but I really didn't have anything to pass on to you... until now. 😌  For the first time in nearly three years, we decided to go away for a few days. so, we unlocked the door and ventured out. So, where did we go?
No, we didn't fly off to the moon. Though, I admit, it would have been very tempting, should we have been given a guaranteed a first-class return ticket 😉  Nor did we join the never-ending queues at the Airports, or Dover, hoping to swan off abroad. Instead, we simply took a short trip down the Northumbrian coast to Whitley Bay, a seaside resort situated a mere ten miles from Newcastle-upon-Tyne.  Having lived in Whitley Bay in the past, I thought it would be a good idea to spend a few days there to see how it had fared over the years. 

Premier Inn

We had booked a room in a new hotel situated on the main Promenade, a short distance from what was known as the the Empress Ballroom. Our room was at the front of the building and looked out over the Promenade towards the sea.


The following day, we set out along the lower Promenade towards the Rendezvous Café. Actually, it seemed further away than I remembered it. But then, when you haven't been somewhere for a while, everything never appears to be the same, or could it be an age thing? After all, I am older now 😒 We stopped off in the café for tea and some wonderful, large buns. Mine was filled with ham & cheese, while Phil enjoyed Ham and Pease Pudding - a favourite of his from years ago. Incidentally, if you watch Vera on TV, you will recall seeing this Café several times

Then we ambled back towards the hotel, pausing every now and again to sit on the one of the benches and enjoy the sun, sand and fresh sea air while watching the world go by. 

The Beach at Whitley Bay, looking north.

Most of the changes to Whitley Bay had taken place on the main Promenade. overlooking the sea. The road, which used to run along in front of the Spanish City had gone and is now pedestrianised. I must admit, it was all very impressive. A new road, had been built behind the Spanish City for traffic to get back onto the Promenade. 

However, the town hadn't been as well looked after. I won't say too much about that - they could still be drawing up new plans . Nevertheless, I was disappointed to find the pavements in such bad condition, especially as my husband needs use a scooter to get around. Several times, I had to grab the scooter to stop it falling over.

Anyway, we are home now. Nevertheless, I am still reflecting on my trip to the northeast coast. I can only hope I will get there again in the not too distant future. 

I have added another two photos below!

Cheers all, have a great time wherever you go! 

Looking down at the Lower Promenade.

Lower Promenade

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