Hi again,
Just a quick post to bring you all up to speed.
I received the exciting news that Murder on Tyneside was neck and neck with another book to win the Book of the Month on Read Freely
I would like to say a big Thank You, to all of those who followed the link and voted for my novel. Your support is very much appreciated. But don't try to vote again, as I understand the site has been set up to stop anyone voting twice.
However if you didn't find the time to vote earlier, then please do so now. Your vote could be the one that pushes Murder on Tyneside over the line to come first! Here is the link again: Read Freely
Voting is quite a simple process. When you get to the site you will see six books, simply scroll down the page until you come to the titles and select your option. Leave your email address, as they will inform you of the winner at the end of the competition. So, please, head over there now and add your vote.
The special offer on The Trojan Project has ended. I hope you were able to download a copy for 99c/99p before it closed.
However, if romance is your thing, then you are in for a treat, as Only Twelve Days is free until Sunday 2nd July. Yes, you read that right. It is free!
Therefore, don't miss out on this delightful love story set in the 1970's. It's an ideal read for the weekend, which is almost upon us as I type..
My new oven, which I mentioned in my last post is working well. Not that I get wrapped up with ovens these days. Those days of cooking for the many parties we used to throw is well and truly over. But at the end of the day, I still need an oven, so praise where it is due. After all, I would be moaning all over the place if it wasn't working.
Well I think that is all for now, but please, whatever else you do today, be sure to vote for Murder on Tyneside at Read Freely
Think of it as your mission for today 😉 Thank you one and all, I shall raise my glass to you all at the end of the day.
Chink! Chink! |