Murder on Tyneside

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Sunday, 14 August 2011

Rain, Edits, and Things

We have had a lot of rain this past week. Actually, we have had a lot of rain for the past month, but I don't want to go there. As it turns out, I hadn't planned to go anywhere over the last few days, which was rather lucky as I would have been drowned. Instead, as you will recall, I have been working with an editor to get my novel, The Trojan Project, ready for the American market. It is to be republished in November.

I think we are almost there. I have just finished reading the whole thing through, after the alterations and now it is his turn. He is going read it through and return it to me for a final check, before sending it on to the publisher. I tell you, my eyeballs are just about falling out. But I won't give up now.

You will also recall I mentioned my computer in my last post. How it has been shutting down on me when it felt like it. By the way, I am whispering now, as I am sure this thing can hear my thoughts, but I want you to know, that no sooner had I finished my last post, than the whole thing closed down again. And, if that wasn't enough to make my socks roll up and down, it did it again, just as I was editing my novel. Thankfully, I had saved everything, so nothing was lost. But it is still annoying.

We went out to the Cross Keys for lunch today. We quite enjoy going there, as the staff are so friendly and the food is good, too. Plus, and this is a big plus, it saves me having to think about what we are going to eat. Now I am going to put my feet up and watch a couple of episodes of The West Wing.

I haven't heard anything back about my blood tests, so they must have been okay.

Well I think that is all for the moment. However, if anyone wants to check out my website, go to

Have a nice dry day,...... When I say dry, I mean weather-wise not... But you know what I mean!!



  1. Sounds like you've been working pretty hard, Eileen. You deserve a rest - but get that PC sorted! Good luck with the book. Cheers!

  2. Yes, I think the PC will have to go to the top of the list.

  3. Sounds like you are having the same weather as us here in Cumbria (UK) Likely we will have lunch out today — no wine though, just tea or coffee to drink! Lots to do indoors — and outdoors when the rain stops! One thing for certain, I have to push myself to write!

  4. Yes, it has been pretty wet here in the Scottish Borders. I agree, about the writing thing and often use ironing as an excuse. But then I usually watch an episode of the West Wing, while doing that, so it doesn't seem so much of a chore!

    I hope you enjoy your lunch - wine or no wine!
