Murder on Tyneside

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Tuesday, 23 August 2011

My New Blackberry!

At last, I have reached out beyond my limitations and have touched the Twenty First Century!!

Yesterday I bought a Blackberry. How about that?  Mind you, I have no idea how the thing works, but I am learning, albeit very slowly. However, this means I am up there with the in-crowd, wherever that might be. So world, watch out, because I can see myself as a female Del-boy, rushing around clutching my Blackberry and a filo-fax and shouting, next year we will be millionaires --- and we all know what happened to Del-boy!

Seriously though, it is amazing what this thing can do, when in the right hands. By that I mean someone who understands this technology and knows how to use it properly. I doubt the poor thing  will ever reach its full potential with me. However, I needed to buy a new mobile, as mine was starting to get the messages in the inbox all mixed up, (and no, that had nothing to do with me) so I thought I might as well go for this new-fangled thing called a Blackberry.  Well it's a new-fangled thing to me!  Didn't I just say that I had only touched the twenty first century yesterday. 

I will let you know how I get on, meanwhile, I have learned how to send a text on it and make a call and with a bit of luck and a fair wind, I might even have sent an email. Though I'm not sure who to at the moment.:-)  I will have to wait and see who replies - that is if they receive the thing in the first place.

I was shattered last night, and a glass of wine was definitely called for!

Okay, I am off to learn some more!

Hope you all learn something new today,



  1. welocme to the new world order!! At least that's what it seems like nowadays - innovation around every corner.

  2. Thank you, Pat. I am getting to grips with it now...... I think! By the time that happens, the world will have moved on. I can't keep up.

  3. Good luck on learning how to use your new phone. Technology is really amazing isn't it? I remember back in the old days when most mobile phones were not as versatile as the new ones we have today.

  4. I am getting there, Salvatiry. At least I can do all the things I want to do, so that is something. Other stuff might take a little longer.
    I don't often admit this, but yes I do remember the old days, when mobile phones were the size of a brick!

  5. This is coming a year late, but all the same, welcome to the 21st century, haha! The great thing about Blackberry phones is that their computers are some of the smoothest and quickest working mobile computers. I’m sure it didn’t take you very long to learn how to manipulate the phone for your needs, since it’s very user-friendly.

  6. The problem is, Kelly, the wretched Blackberry broke down a few months ago. So now I have Samsung Galaxy mini 2. I wrote about the trials and tribulations I had with it a few posts further up. But fingers, crossed, it is working fine now.

