Murder on Tyneside

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Friday, 22 January 2016


Okay, everyone, How is the month of January going for you?

January always seems such a long month to me. It's cold, wet, dismal and there is always the chance of snow. So really, January doesn't have much going for it, does it?

In my case it has less going for it than it ever it did. I had my first ever prang in the car earlier this week. Can you believe it. Out of all the years I have been driving, bearing in mind that I learned to drive in North London many years ago and drove around there without the slightest hint of trouble, I had to scrape against another car on a  quiet road here in the Borders. Anyway, there is nothing I can do about it now. The slight dent will be sorted and the car will look like new. But I know it happened and will be fed up for some time to come. Not such a good start to 2016 for me!

Anyway, back to something more cheerful. I saw some photos of my lovely nephew, which were taken while he, his parents and other members of his family were on a short break. He certainly looks as though he is enjoying himself.  This one shows him in front row with his cousins having a whale of a time. I am not sure what they are doing but you can't mistake the happy smile on his face - rosy cheeks and all,

I have decided I am going to put together a letter about the forthcoming referendum on the EU.

I know I am not politically minded, but I feel that I have a right to add my feelings to the debate and I will say Out! Actually if the truth were known I voted to stay out when we were given the chance all those years ago. Even then, I wasn't comfortable with the idea and quite honestly it has turned out worse than I ever dreamed it would.

Therefore I am going to have my say this time around. At least I will feel better knowing I have added something to the debate, even if no one takes any notice!.

Can anyone remember way back in the 60's there were a group of women who got together and started a "We're Backing Britain" campaign. Back then lots people joined them and I recall that whatever mess we were in then got sorted, because everyone pulled together. I wonder where those women are now? I would be interested to know.

Anyway, that is what I propose to do. I would welcome your thoughts on the matter.

On that note, I will close, for today, but I do hope you are having a great day!


Chink! Chink!


  1. What a lovely picture!

    I'm one of those annoyingly undecided people when it comes to the referendum and don't know yet which way I'll vote. I have a lot of thinking to do between now and when we have to decide xx

  2. Not annoying at all, Teresa. It is your decision.
    I simply feel that we are giving our wonderful country away. All those men and women who died to keep Britain from being taken over might have died in vain. What has happened to our industry, our values... But there I go again, Best I shut up now.
    Yes Christopher is growing into a lovely little man. His parents are so good with him.
