Murder on Tyneside

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Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Another Special offer!!

I am in turmoil this week!

I was spending a great deal of time trying to promote The Trojan Project as it was on offer for 99c/99p. (Incidentally the offer ends midnight 18th Aug.)

But then I suddenly noticed that Only Twelve Days a rather sweet love story set before mobile phones and computers took over our lives, was selling well. It was only then that I realised it had suddenly started a new promotion!!

Only Twelve Days

I say suddenly, but I had been put in the loop and then completely forgotten about it.   How could I have forgotten something as important as that?  Okay, I realise that it isn't really as important to others as it is to me, but it means I lost the first two days of the campaign. I doubt I will get it onto any of the sites that send out names of books on offer to their masses of readers.

Though, thinking about it now, it did seem to be doing quite well without me - is that good or is it bad??  I hope my publisher doesn't read this! :-(

Anyway, good or bad I am here to tell you about it now. So if you haven't read Only Twelve Days, might I suggest that you pop along to your nearest Amazon and download a copy before the offer runs out on Saturday 22nd August.

Well that's all for the moment. Best I go and tweet my socks off  about my book promotion to my followers.

Have a great day!


Chink Chink!

Sunday, 9 August 2015

I Have Been Away! --- QUICK UPDATE!!

Yes, you read that right, I have been away!

But not to some foreign shore with sun-kissed beaches. No we have been somewhere much close to home - Nidd Hall, near Harrogate, Yorkshire,, here in the UK.
We had a really relaxing week, Not having to think about what to have for the next meal is bonus enough for me!

We had the most gorgeous room overlooking the delightful grounds at the hotel. I have to say the gardens are well kept and look wonderful, whatever the weather. The hotel also has a Beauty Salon and swimming pool, for those who want to use them. While outside the activities include rifle shooting, archery, croquet, tennis and a bowling green. You name it, they have got it.

What did we choose to do? You've guessed it - We lazed around, sipped wine and enjoyed watching everyone else try their hand at all manner of things.  We have been going there for several years now and have tried and tested everything, so now we leave it all to the newcomers.

There is also entertainment every evening. One evening while we were there Martin Daniels was the guest act. Comedian Magician. He was very good. You may recall his father Paul Daniels, who, incidentally, bought my novel The Trojan Project when I did a book signing, some years ago.
The following evening it was the urn of String Fever, a very talented group of three brothers and a cousin, playing violins and a cello.

The week came to an end far too quickly for me. I could have done with another week... or two, even. But all good things have to come to an end at some point.

There was a time when we enjoyed jetting off to foreign parts. But quite honestly, we have left all that behind now. We are more suited to the quiet life.

Now I am back to the nitty gritty. Washing and ironing spring to mind, as there seems to be plenty of that. I look at the clothes and wonder - "Did we actually use all these things." One of the worst things about coming home is unpacking and washing. I suppose that is two things, but you get my drift.

Now I wonder what life has in store as we settle back down into our routine. Like for instance, getting back to the novel I started to write ages ago. I did manage to get going with it again while on holiday, I think the different surroundings helped. Hopefully I will be able to carry on where I left off.

I think that is all for the moment, except to say that The Trojan Project, mention further up this post, will be on special offer:  12th - 18th Aug. Only 99c/99p to download.  But don't worry, I will remind you nearer the time!
You knew I was going to say that, didn't you!

QUICK UPDATE - The Trojan Project is now on special offer. 99c/99p until 18th August. 

Any tweets, shares or anything else you can think of would be much appreciated. Thank You x

Have a great day wherever you are
