Murder on Tyneside

Read Freely has dedicated a page to Murder on Tyneside.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Divorcees.Biz Now Available

Wonderful News!!  Divorcees.Biz is now available on Kindle.
The paperback version will follow shortly.

You have no idea how delighted I am. All that writing, editing, worry and nail biting is over. Now I can sit back and relax....  But, on second thoughts, can I? Now I'll be sitting on the edge of my seat worrying anyone will read it and if they do, will they like it.

But first things first, I need to sell a few copies before anything happens. Actually, I need to sell a lot of copies before anything happens!!!

So all you folks who have been waiting patiently to learn of the release, head over to Amazon right now :-)

Meanwhile, I'm going to have a large drink!


Thursday, 22 November 2012

Check it Out

I have set up a Website for Divorcees.Biz, so would you all please go and check it out? The address is

I admit there isn't much to see once you get there, but there is a little method in my madness for sending you all there. You see, as more people log onto the site, the quicker Google will pick it up and put it onto the first page of searches for 'Divorcees/Divorces'.

Okay, before you all rush to tell me the site does a sort of wiggle when it first comes up, let me tell you I already know about it. It seems I haven't configured the thing correctly. (Whatever that means)  I think the problem is something to do with the photograph of the book cover. Perhaps it is too big? However, when I upload a smaller one the picture doesn't look so good. The stems of the glasses become crooked. And who wants to drink out of a glass with a crooked stem :-)

Therefore I have decided to leave it as it is - wiggle and all. It is unique - a one off - not everyone has a Website that does a wiggle as it introduces itself to the world. Let's face it, not everyone wants a Website that does a wiggle as an introduction, but I think it is quirky and fun just like the novel itself

However, there is a more logical explanation why I am allowing the wiggle to continue on the Website: I haven't a clue how to fix it :-)

You will be surprised to learn I didn't go to Newcastle this week. I decided to give my charge card a rest. However, weather permitting, I shall been back down there again next Wednesday. But more on that later.

Meanwhile, get your fingers tapping across to

Have a good day,


Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Odds and Ends

We are having a busy week - so far, anyway.

Yesterday we met up with some cousins for  lunch and a natter. It was really very nice catching up with all the news, as we don't see them very often. However, we agreed would try to not leave it so long the next time. Of course I couldn't resist the opportunity to send them away clutching a few promotional cards for my forthcoming novel  :-) I told them to pass them to any of their friends who liked to read.

Today we went to the hospital as my husband had an appointment with the MS nurse. Thankfully, it is the hospital with the comfortable seats, but oh my goodness, the parking situation is terrible!! You could very easily miss an appointment trying to find a space.

The car-park is quite large, unfortunately it is not large enough! My poor little car was parked at a most alarming angle. Not only was it straddled across a rather high kerb, but the two wheels on one side were sunk into the mud.

I heard two ladies talking about the parking situation. One of them said "of course you can see at a glance the parking area was designed by a man. A woman would have built a multi-story car park!" She could be right.

Tomorrow I am going to Newcastle. Okay, I can hear you groaning - not Newcastle again. But yes, I am going again. You must all know by now that I love going down to Tyneside for some retail therapy. I love the shops, I love the city and I just love being there among it all. I'm not sure how much longer my friend and I will be able to go before Christmas, as the bus that trundles us down there is likely to be full. Still, I'm sure we'll be going for as long as we can. Perhaps they will find a larger bus espcially for us during the weeks leading up the Christmas.  Wishful thinking!!  Anyway, tomorrow will be great and we will round off the day with a glass of wine in M&S Deli bar in the food hall.  Absolutely brilliant.

I think that is all the news I have at the moment. However, if I have any news on the release of Divorcees.Biz make no mistake - I'll be back like a rocket.

Meanwhile, have a great day


Thursday, 1 November 2012


This is simply a postscript to my last post.

My life doesn't usually change in a drastic measure. Therefore you will understand why I don't post very often.  However, today is different. Today I have sent back the edits of Divorcees.Biz to the publisher and I gather the Kindle version will appear very soon.  How cool is that??  The paperback will appear in around four weeks

For goodness sake, surely there should be a big cheer here?? This is news worthy of a shout from the rooftops!!

But, for a mere mortal such as I, who can longer leap around rooftops as they did in Mary Poppins, this post will have to do!!

However, if anyone out there would like to shout out loud about my novel, then don't let me stop you.  You go there!
